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The Media And The Plan

The media and the plan

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, addressing the CPNE meeting in Lahore the other day, emphasised the need for the media to act in a responsible manner and stand united on national…

Citing Foreign Media To Prove Performance!

Citing foreign media to prove performance!

The political atmosphere in the country during the past week has manifested itself in the economy as a major fall in the stock exchanges. Reports indicate that the Karachi Stock…

Internationally Disowned Persons

Internationally disowned persons

Although the UN has acknowledged the Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic group in the Rakhine province of Burma (Myanmar), as ‘the most persecuted minority in the world’, yet the world community…

Becoming An International Lawyer

Becoming an international lawyer

The word 'International lawyer' looks attractive for someone to use it as title. However, to be called an international lawyer one has to have proficiency in more than one language…

Media Jingoism Boomerangs

Media jingoism boomerangs

Barely two weeks after a major earthquake that killed more than 8,000 people, Nepal suffered an aftershock, killing more than 70 people. Over 3.5 million people still need food assistance;…

Simpleton’s Handbook On International Trade

Simpleton’s handbook on international trade

Trade is an exchange between parties towards a mutually beneficial end; and trade generally occurs when one or more parties have a surplus of something, or needs something desperately enough…

View Point: The Myth Of Media Neutrality

View Point: The myth of media neutrality

The death and destruction Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip are enduring is hard to watch even on TV screens. Blood soaked bodies of children, men and women of all…

Militancy And Media-lingo

Militancy and media-lingo

A few years ago, a non-government organisation held a seminar to discuss its research on literature produced by the local militant organisations. The seminar was titled ‘Jihadi media in Pakistan…

Elements Of International Trade Law

Elements of international trade law

International trade law is a complicated subject as it involves transnational transactions; it derives its sources from customary international law, international conventions, bilateral treaties, and multilateral treaties. These instruments of…