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Economy under the gavel

MAYBE this is a good time to recall the Reko Diq judgment delivered by one of the most exalted and hailed chief justices of the Supreme Court. Or should we recall the Dam…

The Qazi to end all qazis

“The measure of a man is what he does with power” — Plato “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen” — CJP Qazi Faez Isa IMAGINE…

The IHC six

LETTERS are the new black in Pakistani politics. If the week before it was about the letters related to Aitchison College, more recently, pen was put to paper in the Islamabad High…

Fighting monopolisation

THE letter written by six judges of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) detailing interference in judicial work by intelligence agencies is an important and brave intervention. By linking it to…

Sailing in the same boat

THEY may be the undisputed leaders of their respective parties and hold the key to their vote banks, but today, both Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan have been seriously handicapped…

Censorship with impunity

X, FORMERLY known as Twitter, was blocked in Pakistan on Feb 17, 2024. It took more than a month and several petitions in high courts across the country for the…

Imran-specific amendment?

HOPES that better sense would prevail have been dashed. Another effort is on the cards before the middle of next month after the last one failed when the government could…

Right to reproductive health

AS women, many of us have traversed through the uncomfortable changes brought on by puberty with an incomplete understanding of their meaning and consequences; we often braved, sometimes challenging, pregnancies…

Is India’s judiciary up for the fight?

OBSERVERS around the world were not necessarily being malicious — with the exception of Winston Churchill — in thinking that India might not last as a democracy for too long…

Ecocide in the Indus basin

ON Sept 19, 1960, a treaty was signed between India and Pakistan on water sharing. The decis­i­ons taken effectively meant that the three rivers of the Indus River basin —…