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Combating Financing Of Terrorism – II

Combating financing of terrorism – II

Appraisal of global and domestic initiatives: Since the tragic event of September 11, 2001, the United States and its allies have been engaged in what they call 'war on terror'…

High Cost Of Misgovernance

High cost of misgovernance

As a jirga magistrate and political agent of the frontier regions 50 years ago, I have felt, with the passage of time, increasingly persuaded that our tribes wouldn’t have turned…

Between China and the US

DURING his recent official trip to China, President Asif Zardari reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to the strategic partnership with that country. In his meetings with Chinese leaders, especially President Xi Jinping, the Pakistani leader…

Gloomy prognosis

WHEN I first started working as a journalist, my senior colleagues and field-hardened editors introduced me to the concept of the release valve. I was often surprised that we were…

End elite capture

For decades, Pakistan’s economy has been held hostage – not by external enemies, but by an internal force more dangerous: elite capture. From the 22 families that controlled Pakistan’s wealth…

The coming Trumpistan

It has come around again: the baring of American imperial fangs, rule by executive orders, ‘America First’, callous pandering to the extreme-right, tariff threats, a transactional Manichean worldview, and the…

Changing political dynamics in S. Asia

Driven by rejuvenated public sentiments for a change, the Bangladesh’s incumbent government is gradually but consistently moving out of the Indian orbit through measured and calculated steps — which many…

A national compact for 2025

THE new year starts with the country facing multiple challenges that need to be met in a politically calm environment. The complex nature of overlapping challenges and the fact that…

Financial crimes

FOLLOWING the 26th Constitutional Amendment, the criteria for appointing high court judges have been framed under the Judicial Commission of Pakistan (Appointment of Judges) Rules, 2024. This has provided an opportunity…