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Our energy strategy (Part – II)

The first part of this article talked about Pakistan’s heavy reliance on gas-based power. Thar coal is a major energy source in the country. This tried and tested technology can…

Energy: projects and potential

A rather ugly situation is developing with respect to the IGCEP (Indicative Generation Capacity Expansion Plan). Reportedly, no consensus has been achieved in the CCI on the subject. And, also…

Energy security and the nuclear program

The month of May marks the 23rd anniversary of nuclear weapon tests in South Asia. Since then, the discourse on non-military aspect of nuclear technology and its enormous potential of…

Alternative energy

It is increasingly becoming clear that RLNG has issues of irregular pricing and other supply chain issues like availability of infrastructure. In the wake of dwindling local gas production, the…

Corona and the energy sector

The government continues to be in search of a way out for reducing or arresting the projected increase in gas and electricity tariff. I have also been arguing the need…

Tackling the energy mess

Last week, Chief Justice of Pakistan took notice of excess payment made to a few independent power plants (IPPs) in relation to the circular debt. These IPPs have been accused…

Solving the energy conundrum via LNG

Recently while flipping through the archives section of a newspaper, I came across a 1968 print advertisement of the then Karachi Gas Company. The body copy of the ad confidently…

Prioritize gas consumption

Lately, there is a rift between Federal and Sindh governments on natural gas supply and pricing. The Centre’s desire is to have weighted average gas price formula of natural gas…