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Politics over economics

This is the second of a two-part series on Pakistani administration’s focus on domestic factors while ignoring external factors which have a much greater relevance in formulation of our domestic…

Judicial integrity

THE recent letters from Justice Mansoor Ali Shah and Justice Munib Akhtar — the two senior-most judges after the chief justice — reflect the existing quagmires in Pakistan’s justice system,…

Unpacking Trump

THE Trump administration is around the corner. What we know so far about its composition, ideas, and power structure can give us some sense of US-Pakistan relations, however vague at…

A national compact for 2025

THE new year starts with the country facing multiple challenges that need to be met in a politically calm environment. The complex nature of overlapping challenges and the fact that…

Who bears the cost?

THERE is growing acknowledgment of macroeconomic stabilisation in recent months. Inflation is down, the current account has posted surpluses for four consecutive months on the back of rising remittances, foreign exchange reserves are growing, and export growth, while…

A new order

WHEN Cole Porter sang ‘Anything Goes’ in 1934, his ironic lament was restricted to the scandals of American Depression-era high society. Today the song serves as an apt anthem for…

Beyond personality disorders

WHAT is the source of Pakistan’s political instability? The answer varies depending on who one asks and what their political affiliation may be. But there is one thing that everyone…

Trade distortions

PAKISTAN’s exports are not increasing at a fast rate, perhaps because the authorities give incentives to traditional export sectors and restrict imports through tariff walls. We often overlook the link…

Sindh Labour Code

OVER the last four decades or so, at least three labour commissions were formed to consolidate and simplify labour laws. However, the suggestions they made and the draft legislation they…

Making 2024 count economically

A pivotal year which may become a turning point for Pakistan’s economy, 2024 saw significant progress in achieving macroeconomic stabilisation. The country made strides in controlling inflation, reducing interest rates,…