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Media literacy

SHOCKING. Sinister. Sanctionable. There are many ways to describe the network of anti-Pakistan, India-linked NGOs and fake media organisations uncovered by the EU DisinfoLab. These are the ‘cyber nukes’ that…

Pakistan and the rights agenda

A few weeks ago, Pakistani diplomacy, known traditionally for punching above its weight, landed another historic win when Pakistan was elected to a fifth, three-year term at the UN Human…

Does Hunza matter?

This article is by no means a review of ‘Hunza matters’, a book written recently by Hermann Kreutzmann. However, it makes sense to highlight some key aspects of this book…

The era of Twiplomacy

Fast-paced technological changes have fundamentally influenced the way the official business of a state is conducted in the realms of defence, foreign policy, and the entire spectrum of governance. The…

EU on fake news alert as continent prepares to vote

Will Russian trolls, American social media giants and opportunistic fake news merchants combine to poison Europe's political landscape ahead of May's continent-wide election? Brussels fears that online disinformation will fuel…

Coping with the cyber world

Globalisation had turned the world into a village, but without disrupting the physical borders of nation states. However, what is happening now, as the world is on the threshold of…

Mind Games And Media Wars

Mind games and media wars

While the current information revolution has brought unprecedented benefits, it has also given rise to new issues of human security and public safety. Increasing reliance on the internet has transformed…