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Energy challenges

We no longer have the luxury to exist in an isolated ecosystem where we can pre-determine the effect of international events on our policies and strategies. It has, instead become…

Revisiting govt jobs

“Permanent jobs with absolute job security have made the government officers complacent. It has brought great inefficiencies in the system, while also limited the dreams of the youth to just…

Meaningless budget

Pakistan’s annual budget due this month is in danger of becoming meaningless unless backed by progressive and brave policy reforms. For years, successive governments have presided over largely inconsequential budgets…

SOEs: performance & accountability

The World Bank’s recent report, titled ‘Pakistan Development Update, fiscal impact of Federal State-Owned Enterprises’, highlights a significant improvement in our economy, attributed mainly to enhanced and better management strategies,…

Pakistan’s debt dilemma: navigating turbulent waters

In the intricate fabric of Pakistan’s economic landscape, a daunting debt crisis casts a long shadow, threatening the nation’s quest for stability and prosperity. Recent revelations from key economic institutions,…

Challenges before the new finance minister

President Asif Ali Zardari has taken oath from the newly-inducted Federal Cabinet headed by second time Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif. Among the 19-member cabinet, 13 are members of…

Equitable taxation

The concept of taxation has deep historical roots, dating back to the governance of Greek city-states, where elected governments were entrusted with managing the welfare of citizens. The Greeks utilized…

Message from Reformistan

What follows is the inaugural address by Prime Minister Arsh of Reformistan. This speech is entirely hypothetical. Reformistan and Prime Minister Arsh are entirely fictional and bear no relation to…

Cultivating tax awareness

It is common knowledge that efficient collection of taxes is fundamental to the economic stability and growth of any country. However, in Pakistan, the tax collection system has been marred…