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How to challenge a dogma – Part II

The economic prosperity of the US, the sole superpower of our time, could only be possible due to labour exploitation. Four million African slaves were thrown overboard while being transported…

Religious tourism

For the first time in Canada’s national history, November is being celebrated as Hindu Heritage Month. The resolution, presented by Chandra Arya, a Hindu member of the Canadian parliament, to…

Economic costs of judicial (in)actions [Part I]

Pakistan inherited a legal and judicial system from the British rulers. While the colonial masters have moved forward with time and modified their laws and procedures consistently, we are still…

A forgotten centenary

We have seen so many centenaries observed in Pakistan since the turn of the century. From Faiz, Manto and Sibte Hasan to Sajjad Zaheer and several others, there have been…

Rights of indigenous peoples

The international community showed its solidarity with and commitment to safeguarding the indigenous peoples and their rights when the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by…

The king’s burden

The 70-year reign of Queen Elizabeth II culminated with her transition at her beloved abode, the Balmoral Castle in the Scottish Highlands. Queen Elizabeth’s death was mourned by many but…

Is sovereign default inevitable? – II

The first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, said the following on the occasion of abolition of zamindari system in his country’s largest state, UP, in 1952: “I was…

Economic colonialism

European historians, with their own sense of bias, which on occasions reaches its zenith, to convert into prejudice, (there is no such thing as honest historians, they are all different…

Desire of a nation

This is essentially a piece that is apolitical. More of history and philosophy. It is about the desire of the Founding Fathers and our current youthful population. The endeavour will…

Myanmar’s shameless behaviour

Reports of Myanmar's Rohingya Muslim community present a heartbreaking picture of suffering humanity. Since August 25, when the latest violence erupted, soldiers and Buddhist militants acting together have torched several…