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‘Unconstitutional’ taxation by provinces

The imposition of any kind of legislation that include levy of any tax or duty, cess etc having extraterritorial impact and involving entities operating on trans-provincial levels by any provincial…

Dealing with the disconnect

The JUI-F dharna is making things move. Those who were convicted by courts or scrutinized by law enforcement agencies, including NAB, are getting out mainly on medical grounds. The government…

Dealing with the disconnect

The JUI-F dharna is making things move. Those who were convicted by courts or scrutinized by law enforcement agencies, including NAB, are getting out mainly on medical grounds. The government…

Re-develop, re-visit and re-set Pak-US ties

In politics one week is long. In geo-politics one year is short. It only seems yesterday that a fierce twitter war between President Trump and Prime Minister Imran Khan seemed…

Pak-Afghan relations

A cricket match at Headingley Cricket Ground in Leeds. Emotions run high in the supporting crowd. And then we see chairs and bottles being hurled. Security police intervening to manage…

Reading the Economic Survey

Not that anyone reads it, and of this I am almost certain. The maximum reading of the Economic Survey is most likely limited to the "Overview of the Economy," and…

A Cyclic Relationship

A cyclic relationship

Poverty is one of the biggest contributing causes of malnutrition, which is one of the most prominent problems found in Pakistan’s young. Malnutrition leads to stunted growth; costs lives, perpetuates…

More olive branches

Regardless of the opposition’s unjustified screaming over what they had tried to do and failed, Prime Minister Imran Khan spoke the truth about cross-border terrorism and how to mutually rectify…