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Night Watchmen

Night watchmen

As the caretaker governments, federal and provincial, approach completion of their terms by end-May 2013, it becomes relevant to reflect on options for possible improvements to the appointment, functions and…

Diplomacy And Force

Diplomacy and force

THE United States is just beginning to realise some ageold truths on the exercise of diplomacy and the use of force. While diplomacy without the sanction of force is impotent,…

The Talk Of Talks

The talk of talks

Can there be anything more tragic than a Muslim killing a Muslim in the name of Islam? Can there be anything more abominable than a citizen killing a fellow citizen…

The IMF Dilemma

The IMF dilemma

One of the challenges the new government will face immediately is to make a decision on whether or not to approach the IMF for financial relief. Pakistan borrowed nearly $8…

As We Near Collapse

As we near collapse

With the elections behind us, we can now look ahead to try and shape a better future for ourselves. Priority must now be given to projects that can contribute to…

Naya Pakistan: Building A Pakistani Nation

Naya Pakistan: Building a Pakistani nation

Over sixty five years after Pakistan came into being, we are a state with a fading sense of the nationhood that inspired the Muslims of the subcontinent to rally behind…

Fixing The Economy

Fixing the economy

After a landmark election, and a comprehensive win for PML-N, there is yet another opportunity to `fix` Pakistan`s economy. How the challenges are perceived by the leadership of the PML-N…

A Nuclear Warning From India

A nuclear warning from India

In a wide-ranging speech on India’s nuclear weapons’ programme and the country’s nuclear doctrine, Shyam Saran, chairman of India’s National Security Advisory Board, declared in New Delhi on April 24…

Let The Games Begin

Let the games begin

A Complicated election has given us a simple outcome. With a single party in charge of things, perhaps one can hope for some stability in the government. And with a…

Make Them Think

Make them think

Despite the threats and terrorist attacks, Pakistan went ahead with parliamentary elections. This is a great victory for the country. The winners of these elections, like the PPP before them,…