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Leadership Criteria

Leadership criteria

It is often stated that the real reason behind the world`sperennial financial, economic and political crises is the lack of ethical leadership. If one ponders over the state of affairs…

Tax Amnesty For Whom?

Tax amnesty for whom?

The Political and Strategy Committee (PSC) of Pakistan Tahreek-i-Insaf (PTI), in a meeting held under its Chairman Imran has expressed deep concern over the introduction of Tax Laws (Amendment) Bill…

ECP: A Case Of Acquired Helplessness

ECP: a case of acquired helplessness

For any system to survive, it must fulfil at least two minimum requirements. Meet the needs of its customers and have the capacity to improve itself. The first requirement relates…

Too Big A Mess

Too big a mess

Following Dr Tahirul Qadri's speeches and TV interviews, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is under fire. But critics of the ECP overlook the fact that the mandate of the…

PSEs: A Reform Agenda

PSEs: a reform agenda

Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways are Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) just like our national flag carrier - the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA). Apparently, the ownership structure of PIA and these…

Minus-one Brouhaha

Minus-one brouhaha

The rumours started swirling almost two weeks back that there is pressure on President Asif Ali Zardari to resign. In the Byzantine corridors of power, rumours that predict the imminent…

Dick Cheney Syndrome

Dick Cheney syndrome

By no means a defining or universal trait of mankind, penitence is a particularly rare phenomenon in the corridors of power. Rather than cast a truly introspective look on their…

Economic Crisis In 2013?

Economic crisis in 2013?

There is all the evidence that the present government has put the economy on a path that – without a major change in the direction of the fiscal, monetary and…