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Nuclear Warfare

Nuclear warfare

The accession of Donald Trump to the US presidency brings us face-to-face with a question that many have tried to avoid since 1945: Should anyone have the right to plunge…

Weapons of war

Nuclear weapons present the greatest public health and existential threat to our survival every moment of every day. Yet the United States and world nuclear nations stand in breach of…

Child In Exile

Child in exile

The world is witness to a rapid increase in the number of people forced to flee from wars, conflict and persecution in countries such as Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. It…


Information Services is providing excellent services and facilities to fulfill the information needs of its users. The library has a sufficient collection of books, journals as well in print and…

Outsourcing – A Sustainable Business Model

Outsourcing – A Sustainable Business Model

Outsourcing is an effective cost saving strategy of contracting business processes to specialist external service provider. This will enable the organisations to economize by delegating functions to the service provider…

Impact Of Domestic Violence

Impact of domestic violence

Intimate partner violence is the most common kind of violence experienced by women worldwide, both in developing and in industrialized countries. According to a World Health Organization (WHO) report, 35…

The Politics Of Crime

The politics of crime

Pakistan's justice system - the investigation branch (police/rangers), state prosecutors and the judiciary - has dealt with hundreds of thousands of cases of corruption and nepotism but no more than…

Not Much Action

Not much action

Three months ago today, the most horrifying terrorist attack unfolded at the Army Public School in Peshawar. The scale of the devastation and the brutality of the attackers shocked and…