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Eidee Given By New Govt

Eidee given by new govt

A belated Eid Mubarak from me to our readers, a delay that was necessitated as my column appears on Monday. The question for Pakistanis today is the eidee, if any,…

Sovereignty – The Task Ahead

Sovereignty – the task ahead

The people of Pakistan have given their verdict - PML (N) in Punjab, Balochistan and the Centre, PTI and JI in KPK and PPP and MQM in Sindh. Once again…

Manipulative Economics

Manipulative economics

Economists have steered clear of behaviour in attempting to analyse economic doings. Yet at the heart of the action is the work of humans. The economic structure and functioning of…

On The Edge Of A Cliff

On the edge of a cliff

How politicking overrides all other considerations was proved yet again; while the government and the opposition remained focused on the presidential election, the exchange value of the rupee kept sliding…

Caught In No-man`s Land

Caught in no-man`s land

The militant attack on the ISI office in Sukkur earlier in the week underlined the need for a comprehensive counterterrorism strategy. And how do we respond? We reignite the debate…

Symbol Over Substance

Symbol over substance

Not surprisingly, no fresh initiative has emerged from the high-profile visit of the US Secretary of State John Kerry other than a reiteration of assistance to the construction of the…

For An Educated Democracy

For an educated democracy

In earlier articles I have stressed the critically important role of education in the process of democracy. In Pakistan we have seen a sinister plot at work in which political…

Afghanistan: Handle With Care

Afghanistan: handle with care

The Pak-US relationship has seen many ups and downs over the years, but not to the extent that was witnessed after the 2011 Salala incident. Although efforts have been made…

Karachi’s Water Woes

Karachi’s water woes

About 90pc of Karachi’s population uses water supplied by the sole public water service provider, the Karachi Water & Sewerage Board (KWSB). The KWSB is presently struggling to survive as…

Chaos Under The Heavens

Chaos under the heavens

The last few years have seen our nation being bestowed with several not-so-flattering epithets. Either we are ‘the most dangerous nation’ or ‘the most resilient nation’. We annually grace the…