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Of Human Bondage

Of human bondage

The US State Department released the ‘Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, 2013 on June 19. The report has been regularly issued every year since 2001. It grades different countries of…

Finance Bill 2013: Meaningful Suggestions

Finance Bill 2013: Meaningful suggestions

Senate Standing Committee on Finance sent a number of meaningful, though unbinding, recommendations to the National Assembly on 21st June, 2013. Finance Minister Ishaq Dar ignored all of them while…

Budget 2013-14: Concluding Speech

Budget 2013-14: Concluding Speech

Alongside is the text of concluding speech delivered by Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar, Federal Minister for Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Privatisation, in the National Assembly on 22nd June…

Negotiating A New IMF Programme

Negotiating a new IMF programme

Two weeks ago (June 11), I suggested that it was time for Pakistan to go to the IMF for balance of payments support as the country’s foreign exchange reserves had…

Bullish On Pakistan

Bullish on Pakistan

ALTHOUGH the Karachi Stock Exchange has risen over 50pc over the last year, financial analysts have not rushed to declare Pakistan a `bull market`. The reasons for their caution are…

Sincerity Is Not Enough

Sincerity is not enough

No government in Pakistan has ever inherited a graver and more existentially challenging set of crises and problems than the PML-N-led national government will do when it formally assumes office…

Tax Proposals – I

Tax proposals – I

On June 5, 2013, we will have a new government in action - faced with multifaceted and complicated problems on economic front. It's immediate task of framing budget for fiscal…

What Lies Ahead

What lies ahead

An imperfect electoral exercise copied from western models, our democracy has very little relevance to the local environment or the ‘genius of the people’. The ‘first-past-the-post-system’ does not ascertain the…

Get Agrarian

Get agrarian

Land reforms and the imposition of tax on income derived from agriculture, which is presently exempt in the majority of countries like Pakistan, are two issues that attract a lot…