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A True Citizen Of The World

A true citizen of the world

The lithe Asian style that was once predominantly associated with the organic and original hockey pitch is after all alive and showing despite all Western hurdles in the way. Since…

A Progressive Muslim

A progressive Muslim

AT the Asian Muslim Action Network (Aman) assembly which took place in Pattani, Thailand in February this year, a discussion took place as to the prerequisites of being a progressive…

For A Larger Tax Drive

For a larger tax drive

THE Central Board of Revenue wants to collect a lot more tax revenues and seeks the federal government’s assistance to maximize their revenues. Although the country and the government need…

Afghanistan’s Dashed Hopes

Afghanistan’s dashed hopes

The 8th Worldwide Security Conference in Brussels held last October by the East-West Institute (EWI), one of the world’s leading think tanks, focussed on (1) sharpening appreciation of the existing…

A Solution To Poverty?

A solution to poverty?

Poverty reduction has been the abiding, if elusive, aspiration of South Asian countries. Enormous amounts of money have been poured into developing poverty-reduction programmes — often with the help of…

Thoughts Of Us, Of Home

Thoughts of us, of home

Every single time I have travelled in the West I have noticed that immigrants from Asia and the Middle East, specially those of our religion, are invariably in-your-face, and loud,…

A Region In Transition

A region in transition

The post-9/11 world has seen an unprecedented change in the nature and gravity of its problems. While countries and nations have been able to move away from the bitter antagonisms…

Meeting The Economic Challenge

Meeting the economic challenge

Pakistan has been endowed with an extraordinarily important strategic location and great development potential. Pakistan occupies a strategic location at the crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia, China and the…

Lessons From Asean Bloc

Lessons from Asean bloc

Travel across Southeast Asia and you know it’s true: Asia is ‘rising’, literally as well as figuratively. Shiny steel and glass high-rises tower over the urban landscape as countries compete…