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Peace And All That Jazz

Peace and all that jazz

It is part of South Asia’s cultural evolution (or limitation) that a most complex narrative is conveyed through the intervention of dance and music. A hero will sing very tunefully…

US Framework For Peace

US framework for peace

US secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered the Holbrooke Memorial Address at the Asia Society in New York on Feb 18. Here she outlined a comprehensive plan to end the…

Another Voice Silenced

Another voice silenced

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011, was yet another black day for journalism and free speech in Pakistan. Syed Saleem Shahzad, bureau chief of Asia Times online and a fine investigative reporter,…

Winds Of Change

Winds of change

Winds of change are blowing across Pakistan. With the advent of the New Year, there is a twinkle of hope in many eyes that 2013 will mean the beginning of…

Sectarian Scourge

Sectarian scourge

The killing last week of three lawyers in Karachi was the latest reminder of the sectarian menace that haunts Pakistan. According to the South Asia Terrorism Portal, 203 people were…

Failure Of Dictatorship & Democracy

Failure of dictatorship & democracy

HOW would you feel if you lived in a poor neighbourhood and your neighbours started getting rich while you became poorer? Angry, envious, depressed, suspicious? Pakistanis have experienced these emotions…

New Vibes In Sindh Politics

New vibes in Sindh politics

Proprietors of media houses dabbling in politics have a long history in South Asia. The power and propaganda nexus is nothing new. What is somewhat different is the mushrooming of…

National Food Security

National food security

Food price escalation in South Asia is a matter of grave concern. Measured against the yardstick of $1.25-a-day, the increase in food prices can push millions of people below the…

PML-N’s financial wizardry

I am surprised to read the PML-N’s defence of the failed economic policies of George W Bush, advocating their implementation in Pakistan. Zubair Mohmmad in his article titled ‘Bushonomics and…

S Shapes Its Economic Roadmap

S shapes its economic roadmap

The decision announced by President Asif Zardari and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the UN this week to start cross-border trade in October between Pakistan and India could be seen…