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Power Markets

Power markets

For those who may be confused or alarmed, let me explain at the very outset that we are to talk about electricity and energy markets and not political power or…

Pakistan Economy Under Global Downturn

Pakistan economy under global downturn

The government inherited a declining economy with energy shortages, law and order challenges and an unfavourable global scenario. The outgoing government had created a bubble economy based on consumer credit,…

The Race For Domination

The race for domination

With Iran’s threat to close the Strait of Hormuz in response to economic sanctions by the West, the new ‘great game’ has come into play. Whereas, the closure of the…

Heart Of Darkness

Heart of darkness

Most tourists in New York will have visited Times Square, with its bright lights, buzz and non-stop energy. Named after the New York Times when the newspaper moved to its…

Bhasha Dam

Bhasha Dam

The energy history of Pakistan reveals that, barring a couple of exceptions, no government has served this sector well. But the Pakistan Peoples Party governments were guaranteed light up Pakistan.…

Birthday Blues

Birthday blues

Pakistan`s 65th Independence Day was celebrated amidst what appears to be greater angst and self-introspection than before. A confluence of factors a moribund economy, the energy crisis, the deteriorating situation…

A Matter Of Propriety

A matter of propriety

The unedifying fare the country`s top politicians have been offering for the past many days is no longer funny. Apart from causing considerable loss of time and energy to the…

Higher Efficiency And Captive Power

Higher efficiency and captive power

Energy prices are rising while the purchasing power of consumers is not keeping pace with this inflation. Even at the national GOP level, the energy import bill may not be…

Shock And Awe Of Power Outages

Shock and awe of power outages

The riots over the worst-ever energy crisis and the destruction of property during these riots in several cities of the country have once again highlighted the consequences of neglect and…