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What Are The Caretakers Up To?

What are the caretakers up to?

The caretaker Prime Minister Mir Hazar Khan Khoso received briefings from different ministries/departments and took more than a week to identify fifteen individuals as his cabinet members. One of the…

In Search Of True Representation

In search of true representation

On June 8, 2012, the Supreme Court of Pakistan in its judgement in the case of Workers' Party Pakistan through Akhtar Hussain, Advocate, General Secretary and 6 others v Federation…

Agenda For The Nation 2013 And Beyond-II

Agenda for the nation 2013 and beyond-II

What is the real nature and extent of the domestic crisis? Let me try to highlight some of its major dimensions. First and foremost, it is a 'crisis of legitimacy'.…

Taxing Secrecy

Taxing secrecy

Tax declarations of holders of public office - in fact all taxpayers - do not enjoy 'confidentiality' and 'secrecy'. Declarations have to be provided by the Federal Board of Revenue…

The Supreme Court Debate

The Supreme Court debate

The emergence of a powerful Supreme Court of Pakistan has given rise to a continuing critical debate about the Supreme Court’s functioning and its various judgments. Questions have arisen: is…

The Saviour Delusion

The saviour delusion

In terms of our national consciousness three trends seem to be ascendant: we have lost faith in the ability of individuals to possess integrity or be guided by principles, firm…

Tax Amnesty For Whom?

Tax amnesty for whom?

The Political and Strategy Committee (PSC) of Pakistan Tahreek-i-Insaf (PTI), in a meeting held under its Chairman Imran has expressed deep concern over the introduction of Tax Laws (Amendment) Bill…

The Fulminations Of Tahirul Qadri

The fulminations of Tahirul Qadri

The politicians of Pakistan are incapable of saying anything without indulging in coloured phrases of rhetorical exaggeration. The pathetic grandiloquence of their speeches is invariably laced with barbs against their…

Outcome of judicial activism

The PPP chairman, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, in his first public speech, underlined the exercise of judicial activism by the Supreme Court of Pakistan and objected to the court’s performance. He…

Sheer Ignorance Of Law?

Sheer ignorance of law?

Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law does not excuse" or "ignorance of the law excuses no one") is a legal principle…