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The Real Threat To Democracy

The real threat to democracy

It is time to celebrate. The current democratic order, which appeared to be wobbling and on the brink in the wake of Dr Tahirul Qadri’s long march and four-day protest…

Factory Inspections – IV

Factory inspections – IV

As an extension of the activities of the proposed Labour Institute at the provincial level, even regional labour institutes can be set up at Hyderabad, Hub, Faisalabad and at Hattar…

Tough Lessons

Tough lessons

Watching the bizarre events in Pakistan over the last few days, I believe it is true: there are always two sides to a story, two ways of looking at the…

Dangerous Conflation

Dangerous conflation

The killing of MQM MPA Manzar Imam last week is the latest sign of the increasing overlap between sectarian violence and politics. The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the…

A Controversial Scheme

A controversial scheme

The government might not be able to push it through parliament, but for now our rulers are lending support to a controversial tax amnesty bill. For a government about to…

Winds Of Change

Winds of change

Much is being written and said about Dr Tahirul Qadri – his background and his motivations. Some claim that he is an agent of foreign countries with the objective of…

Our Sleeping Avengers

Our sleeping avengers

The news today may bring you to the edge of your seat, but apathy to the violence that endures may soon take over, given the general societal attitude. At an…

The Curse Of Silence

The curse of silence

We are watching a genocide take place before our eyes; Shias are being killed mercilessly. The Hazara community in Quetta has been decimated. The Hazara Shias – numbering some 700,000…

A Problem Of Perception

A problem of perception

It was the worst massacre in Quetta in over a decade and even in such a city, stalked by death and haunted by terror, it marks a new standard. This…