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The Real Tragedy

The real tragedy

The Finance Division has released its "Year Book 2011-12" which, besides citing heavy line losses, incomplete corporatisation, weak governance, costly fuel mix, and delays in bill payments, points to partial…

China Can Teach

China can teach

I have had the considerable good luck to visit China with national and international organisations but the valuable insight into China that one gained on official visits with the Pakistani…

Is Land Reform Off The Menu – I?

Is land reform off the menu – I?

In a recent TV interview, Imran Khan, Chairman TI, has revealed that a great debate has been going on in his party regarding land reforms. However, the arguments and proponents…

Emerging Economies

Emerging economies

Since long, Pakistan is locked up in a situation of economic volatility, infrastructural deficit, financial disaster in public sector entities and growing poverty. Reformatory policies undertaken by different sectors of…

Our Informal Economy

Our informal economy

According to the growth diagnostics framework I discussed in one of my previous articles, high taxation is one of the potential candidates for becoming a binding constraint to economic growth…

18th Amendment – Fallacious Argument

18th Amendment – fallacious argument

Pakistan has a democratic government? There is no need to talk about this anymore. That devolution has taken place as a result of the 18th Amendment to the constitution. Please…

Jobs For Votes

Jobs for votes

As the story goes, a distant relation of a nawab once begged him for a job. The nawab, in his infinite generosity appointed him head of the treasury. When it…

Why Nations Fail

Why nations fail

Some books should be made mandatory reading not just for Pakistan’s parliamentarians but its power elites. Two relatively recent books deal with a theme I have touched upon extensively since…

For Inclusive Growth

For inclusive growth

Can growth be inclusive in Pakistan? A historical review of Pakistan’s economy reveals that the country achieved a reasonable growth rate of about five per cent that lasted four decades…