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‘Misperceptions Of IMF’: MoF’s Response

‘Misperceptions of IMF’: MoF’s response

Dr Hafeez A Pasha has written an article: "Misperceptions of IMF" published in Business Recorder October 5th 2015. It stated that the executive board of the IMF must be thanked once again…

Fair Taxation

Fair taxation

"The Laffer Curve, by the way, was not invented by me; it has its origins way back in time. For example, the Muslim philosopher Ibn Khaldun wrote in his fourteenth-century…

Crossing The Chasm

Crossing the chasm

The release this past April of the World Bank's 2014 Findex report was a major wake-up call for Pakistan. Less than 10 percent of Pakistani adults have an account at…

Charter Of Economy

Charter of economy

The finance minister has been advocating that all the major political parties should sign a ‘charter of economy’ on the pattern of the charter of democracy concluded some years back…

Lagging Behind, As Always

Lagging behind, as always

In the midst of this existential war against terrorism and extremism, the attention of our political leaders has almost totally been distracted this week by the spectre of horse-trading in…

Taking The Battle To The Source

Taking the battle to the source

The good news is that the scale of militant violence has come down significantly because of military operations in the tribal areas; the bad news is that little progress has…

Agricultural Pricing Policy

Agricultural pricing policy

Commodity prices have been falling, led by the precipitous collapse globally in the price of oil from a peak of $120 per barrel to a low of below $40. Oil…

Integrating Fata

Integrating Fata

Two recent statements by the Inter-Services Public Relations should have raised the spirits of all those who wish to see a formidable threat to the state and society of Pakistan…