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Punjab’s living space problem

With over 241.49 million people, Pakistan has one of the highest population growth rates in the world, despite witnessing a slight slowing down over the decades. Its population stood at…

Women, climate change and health

Climate change has impacted many people worldwide, from Syria and Turkey to Bangladesh, Maldives and Pakistan. Coping with the recent floods has left a lot of the population of Pakistan…

Punjab’s ring of waste

Consumption patterns of a growing population in the context of a high urbanisation rate are contributing to an increase in solid waste generation in Punjab. The situation is no different…

Death in the air

TODAY, a staggering 25 per cent of Pakistan’s population is struggling for clean air. The Air Quality Index caps at 500; yet this year, Lahore alarmingly reached an AQI of…

Who bears the cost?

THERE is growing acknowledgment of macroeconomic stabilisation in recent months. Inflation is down, the current account has posted surpluses for four consecutive months on the back of rising remittances, foreign exchange reserves are growing, and export growth, while…

Straws in the Syrian whirlwind

THE pendulum of zealotry almost always ushers in intellectual subterfuge in its wake. The lightning, if not spontaneous, takeover of Damascus by mediaeval militias is being predictably applauded by Western journalists as…

Time bomb

THE decision to interlink the waters of the Indus with the Cholistan desert through six canals has sparked a debate on its environmental, social, and demographic consequences. There is widespread…

Parched Sindh

SINDH comprises 18 per cent of Pakistan’s land mass and 16pc of its total cultivable area. While the agricultural sector is the lynchpin of the provincial economy, Sindh also contributes…

Protecting your own

We often read tragic stories regarding young children. Unfortunately, we live in a brutal society where the most vulnerable segment – children – are often not protected by their own…

The education cul-de-sac

Despite decades of reforms, Pakistan’s education system remains in a state of perma-crisis. In an era of rapid technological transformation, the nation continues to grapple with children not attending school,…