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2024—Business winds and waves

Goodbye 2023. A year that was tentative, testing and turbulent. The world became more uncertain and businesses more uncomfortable. Economies faced the dual challenge of inflation and recession. Political economy…

2024: Rocky road ahead

THE most challenging year in recent memory has closed with some indicators prognosticating a nascent economic rejuvenation of sorts. So, what lies in store in 2024? Are the gloomy days…

AI-powered learning

The time has come to revolutionize our education system by replacing traditional school, college, university and Ph.D. programs with a more modern, skill-focused approach driven by artificial intelligence, virtual technology,…

How to be a journalist

During my recent visit to Karachi, I attended the Sixth International Conference ‘State of the Media 2023’ at Greenwich University (GU). It took me back to the 1990s when I…

Wisdom of empowerment

Weakness is a curse. It invites others to deprive you of your legitimate rights and resources. The poverty, indignity and injustice that people suffer from are symptoms whose causes lie…

Power, privilege and the people

Almost every political analyst thinks that it will be extremely difficult to rescue Pakistan from the economic, social and political chaos it currently finds itself in. People on the streets…

Developing with a cultural lag

Cultural lag is a condition in a society where one aspect of culture is out of kilter with another to which it is related. As a result, society falls between…

The ban saga

The now-banned drama serial ‘Hadsa’ caused a lot of stir during its short run on a private entertainment TV channel, for similarities with the terrifying rape incident which occurred in…

The meaning of sacrifice

The ‘chehlum’ of Hazrat Imam Hussain and his devoted companions was observed on Thursday (Sep 7) where thousands of people participated in the processions held in different parts of the…