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Iran’s Choice

Iran’s choice

National security adviser John Bolton has reportedly requested that administration officials draw up plans to send 120,000 US troops to the Middle East to counter Iran, sending shockwaves through Washington.…

What does 2019 hold for Syria?

Syria's civil war of more than seven years began winding down in 2018 as government forces, supported by Russia, regained large swathes of the country's territory from rebels backed by…

Perils Of Intervention

Perils of intervention

A cabal of Western imperialists led by US President Donald Trump is hatching conspiracies to topple the elected government of Venezuela after Caracas refused to bow to the idols of…

Mission accomplished

Commenting on US President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria and withdraw half of the 14,000 US troops in Afghanistan, veteran American commentator and author Patrick Buchanan raises…

Out of Syria

PERHAPS the most telling aspect of Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw American troops from Syria and the subsequent resignation of his defence secretary — retired general Jim Mattis — is…

The Politics Of Fear

The politics of fear

With the speed at which globalisation has occurred over the past few decades, it could have easily been assumed that Nazism, racism, xenophobia were things of the past. Of course,…

Incursion Into Syria

Incursion into Syria

On January 22, Turkey expanded its military action against the Kurdish militia in Syria despite international criticism. Turkey hopes to achieve a quick victory through this adventure against the militia,…

After The Armistice

After the Armistice

November 11 marks the centenary of the Armistice that ended World War I. The end of a war that claimed 40 million lives worldwide triggered euphoria across the Western world,…

Crisis Of Humanity

Crisis of humanity

Syria is considered one of the oldest civilisations of the world. Historians also connect ancient Syria with Hinduism. Syria was the first place, to record inscriptions of Rigveda in Sanskrit,…