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Afghanistan: The Myth Of The Ethnic Divide

Afghanistan: the myth of the ethnic divide

For unknown reasons, many analysts perpetually paint Afghanistan as a fragile space – a china shop of sorts. Just a little military or political aggravation in Afghanistan is enough for…

Portents From Afghanistan’s Election

Portents from Afghanistan’s election

Next Saturday the Afghans will be going to the polls in the runoff of the election to choose their next president. The two names on the ballot paper will be…

The Afghan President

The Afghan president

No other topic is of interest for Kabul’s chattering classes these days than the upcoming presidential election. The making and breaking of political and electoral alliances, the likely candidates and…

Afghan reconciliation process

IT was not entirely surprising that even while President Donald Trump spoke about Kashmir in his opening remarks, Prime Minister Imran Khan used the opportunity of meeting with President Trump…

Diplomatic footprints

Barack Obama's eight years in the White House (2009-2016) were marked by more downs than ups in Pak-US relations. The year 2011, in particular, saw the lowest point in a…

The price of defeat

US Special Envoy for Afghan Peace and Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad is once more treading the well worn path of a political settlement of the Afghan war that would allow a…

Hidden agenda and ‘deal’ with Taliban

On September 11, 2001, nineteen years ago, humanity at large witnessed one of the most gruesome and heinous crimes in history. The wanton attack on twin towers of World Trade…

The people have spoken

The nail-biting finish to the incredibly close US presidential election is finally here. Democrat Joe Biden has won, Republican controversial President Donald Trump has lost. The margin of victory so…

An Iran-Pakistan economic corridor?

There was this hope, however diffident, that Pakistan would take full advantage of India’s current willingness to re-establish relations with Islamabad and pend our age-old Kashmir policy until we had…

Portents of a disaster foretold

For all the apparent angst being displayed by Pakistan’s ruling Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf (PTI) regarding developments in Afghanistan, one cannot but reflect on the ironies that history has thrown up vis-à-vis…