Ignoring the real issues
The PTI government has passed a bill of electoral reforms. The electoral reforms proposed by the government encompass 49 amendments and deletions from the Elections Act 2017. The most contentious…
The PTI government has passed a bill of electoral reforms. The electoral reforms proposed by the government encompass 49 amendments and deletions from the Elections Act 2017. The most contentious…
In 2018, the late chef, traveller and television personality, Anthony Bourdain, made a programme about Hong Kong in which he interviewed members of a local post-punk band. One of them…
The United States has made a commitment – by law and by treaty – to protect people who come to this country fleeing persecution. But the Trump administration relentlessly attacked…
Recent events such as a new security law for Hong Kong, a border dispute with India, an ongoing trade war with the US, and a possible China-Iran strategic partnership have…
Political communication has a new tool. The new tool is: fake news. The medium: conventional as well as the social media. The users of this new tool are: the government,…
All over the world, elections are supposed to be about manifestoes, parties and candidates. It is rather a bizarre situation that elections in our country often focus on a more…
The 2018 elections are over. Controversies over what precisely took place will linger on for some time. The Election Commission of Pakistan’s posting of crucial data in the form of…
Political pundits have painted a doomsday scenario for the PML-N. With their zeal to demonstrate their mastery in sycophancy, political commentators who worship the rising sun have even started calling…
Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi’s recent day-long trip to Kabul represented a serious and well-thought-out effort to reach out to the Afghan leadership with an aim to stop relations between…
Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won a referendum which would change Turkey from a parliamentary to a presidential democracy. Right? Not quite. Parliament would still have considerable powers. Nevertheless with the…