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Is Pakistan Prepared?

Is Pakistan prepared?

If safety protocols are ignored in the food value chain, starting from its production till consumption, it could lead to many disastrous diseases. Food-borne diseases pose a major threat to…

Outstanding Pakistanis

Outstanding Pakistanis

We all know, and it has been said very often, that the Almighty has blessed Pakistan with almost infinite natural resources and human talent. If properly utilised, we could have…

Foreign investments in Pakistan

The two-day visit of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman has ended on a positive note - both on diplomatic and investment fronts. The extent of his visit is unprecedented…

Coalition Options For Pakistan

Coalition options for Pakistan

When the Arab coalition was in the making, I wrote in an article on these pages (‘Coalition politics’, January 19) which stated that “another  aspect of the coalition is that,…

Pakistan: A Case Of De-industrialisation

Pakistan: a case of de-industrialisation

Industrialisation of economies is the sine qua non of developed countries. In fact, the distinction between the developed and developing countries depends upon where a particular country falls on the…

Can Pakistan Emulate South Korea?

Can Pakistan emulate South Korea?

The spectacular rise of South Korea from an underdeveloped country to an industrially-developed one is a benchmark that many in the field of development and politics look up to. Pakistan…

Turkey’s Turmoil

Turkey’s turmoil

As Greece exits its third bailout and the world commemorates the 10th anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers amid the longest bull run in US stock market history, it…

Who Wins If Turkey Loses?

Who wins if Turkey loses?

With friends like these, who needs enemies? The economic-diplomatic spat between the US and Turkey is a textbook case of how not to conduct diplomacy. The alarming pace at which…

Pakistan: Yesterday And Today

Pakistan: yesterday and today

“No understanding of contemporary Pakistan is possible without an historical analysis of the first decade after independence, a period of relative flux in the institutional balance of power between elected…

HEC, Turkey approve 11 joint research projects

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan and the Council of Higher Education (CoHE) Turkey have mutually approved 11 joint research projects under Pak-Turk Researchers Mobility Grant Programme. The programme is…