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A Verdict Foretold

A verdict foretold

Amid allegations of foul play and as widely predicted, the PTI has emerged as the single largest party nationwide and currently stands ahead of the PML-N and the PPP. Even…

Hothouse Earth

Hothouse Earth

An interesting new study: “Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene,” Will Steffen, Johan Rockström et al, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Aug. 6, 2018 lays…

Politics Without Vitriol

Politics without vitriol

Journalists, media persons, authors, poets and intellectuals have faced repression in Pakistan throughout its history. Whether dictatorial regimes or democratic governments, one or another form of coercion has been used…

The Open Season

The open season

This is my John Reed moment. I feel like writing a sequel to ‘Ten days that shook the world’, the famous eyewitness account of the Russian Revolution that happened exactly…

Time For The Justice Of Solomon

Time for the justice of Solomon

We have run out of options. The time has come for Imran Khan to take charge of this country as the prime minister of Pakistan. There are six months left…

No Tears For Indian Muslims

No tears for Indian Muslims

A senior friend of mine who spends much of his time online, passionately airing his strongly-held views on the issues and challenges facing India, its Muslims in particular, is surprisingly…

An Officer And A Gentleman

An officer and a gentleman

I was walking towards the School of Physical Fitness (SPF) run by the Pakistan Air Force (PAF), along with my uncle who coached the PAF hockey team there when I…

The Dharna Technology

The dharna technology

Bloody, violent and effective – the latest dharna has achieved what the last three dharnas were unable to accomplish. All these achievements would not be possible had dharna technology not…

A Family Of Thieves

A family of thieves

I belong to a distinguished, educated family. Unfortunately, it happens to be a family of thieves – a mafia. It is a family that is multiplying fast and growing in…