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Big powers’ game

THE Ukraine conflict is, at its core, a superpower affair. In the first crucial test of his presidency, President Joe Biden has failed with sad consequences. During the Cuban missile…

Power situation today

Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, while inaugurating the country's fifth nuclear power plant (C-4) reiterated PML-N's commitment to the country dating from the party's 2013 manifesto: an end to load…

Power breakdowns

The whole country witnessed a major blackout on Saturday night, which interrupted daily routines and social and economic life. It is a technical issue requiring serious investigation and non-political discussions…

New IGCEP for power capacity planning

A new IGCEP (Indicated Generation Capacity Expansion Plan) has been submitted by NTDC (National Transmission and Despatch Company) for the regulator’s approval. There are some questionable recommendations made in the…

The Indo-Pacific shift: a struggle for power

The recently held virtual meeting of the Climate Summit between US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping might have initiated some meaningful contact between the two states, but…