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Regulating Social Media

Regulating social media

The arrival of the internet is, no doubt, the most defining moment in our history. Social media tools, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and WhatsApp, have become powerful instruments to play…

Tolerance And The Media

Tolerance and the media

My previous article, ‘Tolerant Pakistan’ was very well-received. All the peace-loving segments of society supported my viewpoint that prosperity cannot be achieved without ensuring a tolerant society based on equal…

A Question Of Media Ethics

A question of media ethics

Freedom of expression and the media’s freedom are usually considered interchangeable. They are often misconstrued to mean that no curbs can be imposed on the fourth pillar of the state.…

International Connections

International connections

There was a time when Pakistanis would be found chanting loudly for internationalising an issue. They thought that by involving the world they had a better chance of getting a…

Sale of goods in international law

Where parties to sale of goods are located in different countries, their mutual relationship will be determined by the contract of sale. Such contracts become subject to interpretation by different…

International Law & Foreign Policy

International law & foreign policy

The recently released Chilcot Report of the Iraq Inquiry has created quite a stir in international law and politics. Crucially, its bruising fallout for the UK and US also offers…

Mediation Vs Litigation

Mediation vs litigation

The chief justice of Pakistan’s reference to the need for mediation centres should generate a fresh debate on the desirability of alternative channels of dispute resolution and the prospects for…