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Sadness In The Soil

Sadness in the soil

There is too much sadness in our country. Of course, it is not something that can be seen or heard as a physical reality. But we can sense it in…

Slipping Between The Gap

Slipping between the gap

The strange idea put forward widely across the country that the increasingly controversial Aurat March in March this year should not have happened because the situation for women in Pakistan…

The Noose Of Tradition

The noose of tradition

Like the characters in Marquez’s ‘Chronicle of a death foretold’, most of us had known that Afzal Kohistani would die. Certainly, those who had followed the case which unfolded in…

Good Girls Ask Politely

Good girls ask politely

Once upon a time, in a land not far away, a few women thought they were citizens of Pakistan and decided to raise some slogans, demand some rights, make some…

China’s ‘leftovers’

LITERALLY translated, the Chinese word ‘sheng nu’ means ‘leftover women’. The term refers to women, generally over 30 but sometimes younger, who have failed to find husbands. According to research,…

Feminism 101

Feminism 101

“A mother has the biggest influence on children... I disagree with this Western concept...this feminist movement, it has degraded the role of a mother. My mother had the greatest impact…

The past in modern idiom

LOOKING at the challenges women face at their place of work or even at home in India or Pakistan, among other venues, I wondered how Prof Kailas Nath Kaul would…

Don’t Be Shy Of The Truth

Don’t be shy of the truth

According to a 19th century legend, Truth and Lie met one day and agreed to swim in the pond together. However, Lie, seeing that Truth was enjoying itself in the…

To Humanise Our Youth

To humanise our youth

Being young in any society in whichever period of time is tough and exhilarating. Being young at this time in Pakistan is exceptionally challenging. It is a journey from adolescence…

The Age Of Savagery

The age of savagery

The blasphemy laws in our country are back in discussion. Allegedly using the laws as cover, two people killed a young man, who had been a student at the National…