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Learning To Live With Inflation

Learning to live with inflation

We have not been able to get the better of inflation. It is generalised and above comfort level. This is a huge challenge, unless we can learn to live with…

Systemic Reforms

Systemic reforms

The PM has announced his six-point agenda for not only the youths of this country but also to kick start the economy. Cynics might say one thing or another but…

The Tyranny Of Bureaucracy

The tyranny of bureaucracy

The visible conflict between bureaucracy and political system does not seem to abate and as long as we Pakistanis are what we are this conflict will intensify and increase. My…

Culpability For Crises

Culpability for crises

The debilitating economic crises facing Pakistan and the deplorable state of public services are mostly a result of mismanagement, inaction and the blatantly wrong policies that have been pursued by…

The Undeserving Rich

The undeserving rich

The requirement in modern-day life of a country is to see that the opportunities are provided to all and sundry as equitably as possible. That is easier said than done.…