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Innovation For Development

Innovation for development

In order for Pakistan to emerge from its present problems of massive poverty, hunger, deprivation, joblessness and foreign debt, there is no other way except to tap into our real…

Business Optimisation – The Need Of The Hour

Business optimisation – the need of the hour

Following the country's collapse after the Second World War, Japan's industrial infrastructure was in tatters. In an attempt to restore businesses, and to rebuild Japan's reputation in the international market,…

Failure Of Economics In Rural Areas

Failure of economics in rural areas

Pakistan's rural areas hold about 70 percent of the population and all the other statistics that go with it. These are mere words and I am not going to justify…

The Mathematics Of Disappointment

The mathematics of disappointment

Our budget-makers, consciously or unconsciously, follow the American model of economic development instead of the European one while dealing with economic classes within society. The European governments, in particular the…

Drivers Of Growth

Drivers of growth

The next budget needs to articulate a vision because a growth revival has become urgent. What should be the contours of this vision and how can it be realised? In…

For A Stable Exchange Rate

For a stable exchange rate

The recent appreciation of the rupee, despite weak fundamentals, is becoming controversial, with the same interest groups first extolling it as an outcome of good financial management and now complaining…

Time To Outsource Operations

Time to outsource operations

Azim Premji, chairman of Wipro Limited and one of the richest men in the world, famously called ‘outsourcing’ a “very powerful tool to leverage talent, improve productivity, and reduce work…