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Kargil Heights

Kargil heights

The successful first three years of his civilian rule notwithstanding, Musharraf failed to give his own core constituency the leadership and direction they deserved for their unwavering loyalty to him…

Tense Ties With US

Tense ties with US

The recent meeting of Nato defence ministers in Brussels has brought to light the sort of ideas the Obama administration is debating with Nato allies as it tries to meet…

That Right Feeling About TV

That right feeling about TV

Gullible Indians often believe that journalists on TV speak the gospel truth. I have met unsuspecting ones among them who believe emperor Babar was a Pakistani. They had read this…

India’s Self-goal In The Valley

India’s self-goal in the Valley

On the morning of Feb 9, 2013, Afzal Guru, a Kashmiri convict on death row, lodged in New Delhi’s high security Tihar jail was taken from his cot by the…

Hope On The Wane

Hope on the wane

Tragic as the recent loss of soldiers on both sides of the Line of Control (LoC) is, the other significant casualty has been plummeting public confidence in the ability of…

Change: Order Vs Disorder

Change: order vs disorder

The Bible says there is a time for every purpose under heaven - "A time to be born and a time to die;...a time to weep and a time to…

The Polio Tipping Point

The polio tipping point

Early this month, tragedy struck Pakistan’s polio eradication campaign once again with the killing of another two polio workers and a policeman on patrol with the vaccination teams. The latest…

The Original Sin Of Shahrukh Khan

The original sin of Shahrukh Khan

Now what was Shahrukh Khan thinking when he did that article for Outlook? If anyone in the Mumbai film industry knows how to engage the media and use it to…

Dereliction Of Diplomatic Norms

Dereliction of diplomatic norms

Adam Thomson, Her Britannic Majesty’s High Commissioner in Pakistan, could do with a refresher course on diplomacy. He told a select group of journalists at his residence in Islamabad on…

A Refreshing Breeze

A refreshing breeze

Following a splendid lunch of char-grilled pomfret and chili crabs I was lying with our beach hut behind me on the sand facing the shimmering ocean. On one side the…