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Smart Grids

Smart grids

Pakistan's electricity infrastructure has served the country well for the past several decades. However, with the passage of time and rapidly increasing demand, it is fast approaching its limitations. This…

Politics And The Pipeline

Politics and the pipeline

The ground-breaking ceremony for the Pakistan section of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline last Monday was an event of high symbolic importance. It was designed to seal Pakistan’s commitment to finally…

An Interim Agenda

An interim agenda

By any standards the interim government, whose outlines are now beginning to appear, has a heavy agenda and a light mandate. This is a bad combination. Here is some of…

Pipeline Politics

Pipeline politics

The only existing gas pipeline in Pakistan is the Sui gas distribution network that has supplied Pakistani homes, factories and power plants for the past four decades. Pakistan is a…

Tax Reform Proposals

Tax reform proposals

Pakistan has one of the lowest tax-to-GDP ratios even amongst the bottom ranked developing nations. The following statistics are indicative of the unexploited potential for additional revenue generation. Whereas there…

A New IMF Programme

A new IMF programme

The International Monetary Fund team is seemingly all set to revisit Islamabad soon armed with a new programme for our acquiescence, as we struggle to discharge our dues to them…

Pipeline Economics

Pipeline economics

A G00d deal of excellent comment has appeared recently on the geopolitics of the Iran-Pakistan (IP) natural gas pipeline. But what about the economics of it? Contrary to most expectations,…

Musharraf’s Mirage

Musharraf’s mirage

The Pakistan, general is back, and this time not on horseback. Since he has offered to take us back to the Pakistan that he left behind, perhaps it’s a good…

FATF And AML Compliance Requirements

FATF and AML compliance requirements

1. Legal Measures: Criminalization of Offences, Investigations and Prosecutions: FATF recommendations require Criminalization of money laundering through domestic legislation.1 The recommendations also provide to specify the scope of liability in…