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Global Offshore Money Maze

Global offshore money maze

All responsible governments in recent years have shown commitment to retrieving looted money by their citizens, but in Pakistan the PPP-led government during its five-year-tenure (2008-2013) acted as the main…

History Revisited

History revisited

Election campaigns are in full swing and, with election fever at its peak, we seem to hear and see a lot about the Musharraf case. There are also continuous updates…

An Interesting Crossroads

An interesting crossroads

The phrase ‘may you live in interesting times’ is a Chinese curse heaped on an enemy. Frederic Coudert quotes an unknown British diplomat in 1936: “No age has been fraught…

Biogas Potential In Pakistan

Biogas potential in Pakistan

For the last five years, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources (MPNR) has been trying to implement a LNG project of a rather small capacity of 400 Billion Cubic Feet…

Increasing Productivity

Increasing productivity

Have we not had enough of the Western model of development? Can we change gears at this point in time or are the times bad. In public service whenever one…

Gas Crisis

Gas crisis

Pakistan produces around 4 bcf per day (bcfd) natural gas out of which 3.2 bcfd is available to the two Gas Utility companies viz SSGC and SNGPL. The balance is…

No Light On The Horizon

No light on the horizon

Ask any resident of Punjab what he or she wants from these elections, and the unequivocal answer will be electricity. Over the last five years, Punjab has, in its own…

Tension In Korea

Tension in Korea

The North Korean soldiers shown parading on TV recently mercifully didn’t have the gusto of German troops goose-stepping in 1914, which amply demonstrated their over enthusiasm for war nearly a…