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Expect More Of The Same

Expect more of the same

Even purveyors of the folklore about the resilience of Pakistan`s economy because of a `vibrant`, largely untaxed (despite its visibility) informal sector would acknowledge that the country faces serious economic…

Punctured Tax Base

Punctured tax base

The Chairman of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), while talking to Associated Press of Pakistan on 17th February 2012, conceded that "Pakistan has one of the lowest tax-to-GDP ratios in…

A Careless Caretaker Government

A careless caretaker government

There was no dearth of warnings about the impending economic crisis prior to the induction of the interim government. The PPP-led government had followed policies that led to a dire…

Energy Crisis And PPPP’s Prospects

Energy crisis and PPPP’s prospects

The major irritant that has plagued the people of this country since the President Zardari-led government took over power in 2008 remains the energy crisis. This continuing crisis, political analysts…

Global Offshore Money Maze

Global offshore money maze

All responsible governments in recent years have shown commitment to retrieving looted money by their citizens, but in Pakistan the PPP-led government during its five-year-tenure (2008-2013) acted as the main…

History Revisited

History revisited

Election campaigns are in full swing and, with election fever at its peak, we seem to hear and see a lot about the Musharraf case. There are also continuous updates…

An Interesting Crossroads

An interesting crossroads

The phrase ‘may you live in interesting times’ is a Chinese curse heaped on an enemy. Frederic Coudert quotes an unknown British diplomat in 1936: “No age has been fraught…