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Circular Debt And The Economic Eco-system

Circular debt and the economic eco-system

Reading a recent leader story in this paper about the government's intention to issue $5 billion worth of T-Bills/PIB's in lieu of the circular debt has prompted me to write…

Clearing The Minefield

Clearing the minefield

Pakistan’s socio-economic problems have assumed cancerous dimensions – and the road to recovery is now a minefield. Clearing the minefield, rather than skirting it like past governments, is the only…

How The Crisis Happened

How the crisis happened

Pakistan is currently facing the worst power crisis in its history, resulting in power cuts through loadshedding, which frequently last between 12-18 hours. These power cuts have served to constrain…

Managing The Natural Gas Crisis

Managing the natural gas crisis

The dual menace of power and gas shortage is a serious issue that has caused much damage to the national economy and is likely to damage more, if the right…

Tax Proposals – I

Tax proposals – I

On June 5, 2013, we will have a new government in action - faced with multifaceted and complicated problems on economic front. It's immediate task of framing budget for fiscal…

Power Failures

Power failures

Ask around why we’re in a power crisis, and you’ll hear three different narratives. One narrative says this is all an institutional issue. This camp believes that the crisis grows…

Will Is All

Will is all

The new government likely to take office in the coming days will face enormous economic challenges. How it will balance its income with expenditures will be the first challenge it…

Energy: Tough Decisions

Energy: tough decisions

The public narrative oversimplifies ways of eradicating load-shedding. Just settle the ‘circular debt’ and improve governance — prevent electricity theft, collect bills on time and install prepaid meters — and…

The Political Hiatus

The political hiatus

The fierce electoral contest unfolding in Pakistan has as its counterpart a relatively tranquil state of affairs in the interim set-up. This is good, and should be the approach of…