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What Remains Sacred?

What remains sacred?

Spurning advice not to return to Pakistan and face a myriad number of legal problems, Musharraf successfully managed, by default, to put the army as a whole into the dock.…

The Art Of Standing Still

The art of standing still

The condition of inertia can have many downfalls. It slows down circulation, leads to a variety of health problems – and quite obviously holds back progress. Things become even more…

Not All Is Wrong In Pakistan

Not all is wrong in Pakistan

Not all is wrong in Pakistan. Of course, this does not mean that all is right. Or even that most is right. Clearly, it is not. All it means is…

The New COAS

The new COAS

Over the past 62 years a total of 13 army chiefs have commanded the 6th largest army on the face of the planet (besides Generals Messervy and Gracey). As per…

A State Of Hypocrisy

A state of hypocrisy

What a travesty that Zardari, on Benazir’s death anniversary, should call former President Pervez Musharraf a “Billa” (tomcat) – one of those that come along and “drink all the milk”.…

Viewpoint: Hagel’s Threat

Viewpoint: Hagel’s threat

During his meetings with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and COAS General Raheel Sharif the visiting US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel is reported to have conveyed his government's displeasure over Pakistan…

Viewpoint: Hagel’s Threat

Viewpoint: Hagel’s threat

During his meetings with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and COAS General Raheel Sharif the visiting US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel is reported to have conveyed his government's displeasure over Pakistan…

They Just Fade Away

They just fade away

General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani stepped down as chief of army staff on Friday. He passed on the baton, and, with it, the trammelling burden of responsibility, to his successor General…

New Power Balance

New power balance

The months-long suspense was broken last week by the not-so-surprising choice of a dark horse as the country’s new army chief. It was Nawaz Sharif’s way of playing safe and…