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Seven For Seventeen

Seven for seventeen

It's set up to be the year of Nawaz. Enemies vanquished, rivals sidelined; a clear path to 2018 and beyond. What could go wrong? Plenty. And in this age of…

Betraying People & Democracy?

Betraying people & democracy?

Today prominent members of the cabinet as well as Punjab cabinet ministers are not only using the state's resources (our tax money) and time on defending the Prime Minister and…

Making Sense Of The Leaks

Making sense of the leaks

It started as leaked details but it has hit the world in a big way. Pakistan is one of those countries where the Panama Papers have had an impact on…

Rulers On Trial – I

Rulers on trial – I

n the wake of pronouncement on December 9, 2016 of five-member bench of Supreme Court (SC) that fresh proceedings before a new bench in Panama case against the Prime Minister…

Panama debates

Long before the publication of 'Panama Papers', many cases of unlawful capital outflows, tax avoidance and corruption by public officeholders and others were cited in these columns. However, National Accountability…

For Whom The Bell Tolls

For whom the bell tolls

Whenever in trouble the Sharifs have always successfully fought for time, delaying things till the problem dies a natural death. This time despite filibustering for months the government could not…

Truth And The Mandate: Uneasy Companions

Truth and the mandate: uneasy companions

PM is not named in the Panama Leaks…Alhamdolillah, Allah be praised. Nawaz Sharif, looking pious and an innocent expression drawn across his countenance, repeated this line in his latest address…

Biggest Exposure: Of Courage And Dignity

Biggest exposure: of courage and dignity

Islamabad diary On the financial side the Panama revelations have only confirmed what we already knew…that Nawaz Sharif and family have wealth stashed abroad and have prized property in central…

Dodging The Taxman

Dodging the taxman

Pakistan’s history of financial scandals offers little hope of the Panama leaks’ controversy finally provoking a tightening of the noose around the rich and the mighty. The ultimate fate of…

Will It Ever End?

Will it ever end?

MAKE it stop. Someone make it stop. It has to stop, right? Right? It can’t go on forever. Or can it? Please no. Help. Someone — anyone — help. The…