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All About National Security

All about national security

Now that we have a National Internal Security Policy, we should expect some clarity in the establishment’s plan to deal with the Taliban and other terrorist outfits. There is this…

Pak Army

Pak Army

Capital suggestion Why didn’t the ex-chief do it? He was the chief of the sixth strongest army on the face of the planet. He was the chief of the finest…

Finally A Policy To Decipher

Finally a policy to decipher

The National Internal Security Policy (NISP) is not based on rocket science. But does it need to be? True, the policy could have been written better. It could have been…

Pak-Saudi Ties

Pak-Saudi ties

There have been some significant exchange of visits between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan post-election 2013 - an exchange that was lacking during the five year-rule of the PPP-led coalition government.…

Miracles Don’t Just Happen

Miracles don’t just happen

There has been an upsurge in violence yet again. Never mind the academic discourse or political discussions or the security assessment by ‘senior analysts’; this piece seeks to ask some…

Change In Guard

Change in guard

As his closest professional confidante, the choice of chief of the general staff (CGS) is usually a strong indicator of the army chief’s preference for a successor. Passing him over…

Year Of Transitions

Year of transitions

2013 was a year of transitions when new leaderships assumed charge of the government, judiciary and the army. The year saw the realignment of power between different state institutions in…

Heroes And Villains

Heroes and villains

Top civil and military leaders are showering tributes on the slain super cop of Karachi Mohammad Aslam Khan, aka Chaudhry Aslam, who was martyred in a suicide bomb attack by…

More Of The Same

More of the same

The year of transitions in Pakistan is over. We have a new government, new chief justice, and new army leadership. The conventional wisdom is that things will be different. The…

What’s The Latin For ‘panga Lena’?

What’s the Latin for ‘panga lena’?

Of our current prime minister the wicked Husain Haqqani used to say that if an arrow was flying five metres above the ground, there was no stopping him from leaping…