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Systemic Corruption

Systemic corruption

Over the weekend, an historic release of information came out in the Panama Papers showing exactly who, how, and when a vast network of people stole and hoarded money. Our…

Fair And Just Tax System

Fair and just tax system

There is a national consensus that the existing exploitative, outdated, regressive, ill-directed and unfair tax system is stifling economic growth and widening the rich- poor divide. It needs to be…

Spillover Issues In International Taxation

Spillover issues in international taxation

International taxation is a well defined subject. Where a business engages in a cross-border transaction, the transaction so made causes a situation to face international tax issue, dependent on many…

Budget 2014-15: Reforming Sales Tax System – I

Budget 2014-15: Reforming sales tax system – I

Taxation should serve as a catalyst for industrial expansion and economic growth. In Pakistan the ill-directed, illogical, regressive and unfair tax regulations are causing a dampening effect on the industrial…

Elements Of International Trade Law

Elements of international trade law

International trade law is a complicated subject as it involves transnational transactions; it derives its sources from customary international law, international conventions, bilateral treaties, and multilateral treaties. These instruments of…