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Discretion and its discontents

Administrative discretion is unavoidable. Problems, circumstances, administrators are all too complex to be straitjacketed into laws and regulations. “Where law ends (administrative) discretion begins” is how the father of administrative…


Under the banner, ‘Our decision is freedom … no to administrative detention,’ five hundred Palestinian administrative detainees collectively declared their boycott of Israeli military courts at the beginning of January…

Political detention

Julian Assange has now been in the maximum-security facilities of Belmarsh prison for over 1,000 days. On the occasion of his 1,000th day of imprisonment, campaigners, supporters and kindred spirits…

Vaccinating against corruption

More than 7,000 participants across the globe spent the week (Nov. 30 to Dec. 5, 2020), virtually listening to 500 anti-corruption experts at the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) in Seoul,…

Dark cyberworld

THE last two decades, and especially the last two years that have been marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, have made all of us more dependent on technology including the internet,…

Pakistan deserves recognition

Pakistan’s progress in handling the threat of terrorism and curtailing it significantly is a success story in itself. With continuous efforts of security forces across the country and overcoming the…