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Can We Afford To Lose Afghanistan?

Can we afford to lose Afghanistan?

One thought peace would return to Afghanistan with the drawdown of foreign forces from there. Even though all foreign troops, barring a few thousand Americans, have already left peace remains…

Dealing With Ghani And Modi

Dealing with Ghani and Modi

Amidst Imran Khan defending Gandapur as a virtuous man, the Sharifs beaming in the buses, and the PPP’s focus on Ayaan Ali’s future, it might sound a little incongruous to…

Ghani’s Frustration

Ghani’s frustration

Afghan president Ashraf Ghani is a worried man and the reasons for his woes are plentiful. He has put his political future at stake by charting a friendly course with…

Afghanistan: The Challenge Ahead

Afghanistan: the challenge ahead

The advent of a new government in Kabul marks a hopeful moment for Afghanistan after months of political turmoil and uncertainty. A government of ‘national unity’ ushers in an unprecedented…

The Proxy War In Afghanistan

The proxy war in Afghanistan

In a speech to a think-tank in India last Wednesday, former Afghan president Karzai angrily dismissed fears that his country would become the battleground in a proxy war between Pakistan…

Ghani’s Test’

Ghani’s test’

Dr Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, the president of Afghanistan, will be paying his first visit to Pakistan in the next few days. This will be his second visit to a neighbouring…

Afghanistan: A Messy Endgame

Afghanistan: a messy endgame

Short of declaring victory the Obama administration has announced it is ready to ‘turn the page’ on America’s longest war. The endgame had already started with the drawdown of US…