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The coronavirus pandemic, clerics, and terrorism

The whole ongoing kerfuffle about how to combat the coronavirus pandemic is not unique to Pakistan. Even the developed world is groping its way through the fog of incomprehension, misconception…

Can e-cigarettes help you quit smoking?

Giving up smoking is easier said than done because many adults resort to the natural quitting method — quitting cold turkey. This can have the capacity to increase the urge…

Education crisis

WE are already into the fourth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Delta variant has been declared by leading medical experts as the fastest, the fittest and the most formidable…

Understanding abuse

THERE is a compelling documentary on Netflix titled The Keepers. It begins with an unsolved murder mystery, a theme which has become rather popular for documentaries on streaming websites and…

Honouring a brave man

Last week, Senator Usman Kakar was laid to rest after a historic funeral at his hometown Muslim Bagh in Balochistan. I was among the tens of thousands of people who…

The Covid effect

The Covid-19 pandemic which has ravaged the world, has unsurprisingly had an impact on the kinds of lives people live in our country. According to limited research by private researchers…

‘World is full of trade-offs’

TO lockdown or not to lockdown. That appeared to be the question, this past week, once again as the PTI government in the centre decided to ease the lockdown to…

Suicidal choices

WORLD religions can be divided into two categories — those that are life affirming and those premised on life negation. Dr Albert Schweitzer identified this distinction: “World and life affirmation…