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Ties With The US

Ties with the US

Brexit shook Europe, and Trump’s victory has shocked the whole world. He not only bludgeoned the 24/7 US media punditry but also falsified the pre-electoral projections which termed Hillary Clinton…

How CPEC Can Help The SDGs

How CPEC can help the SDGs

This newspaper’s initiative to help mainstream Sustainable Development Goals through a series of articles focusing on the SDGs has brought forth the complexity and policy choices that need to be…

Budget strategy: ambitious targets

The budget strategy for 2016-17 was approved recently by the Federal Cabinet. Not only is there a positive expectation about the performance of the economy in 2015-16 but also that…

Right To Water

Right to water

The taxonomy of water is a hotly debated subject in international policy circles; it has been classified as an economic good, a commodity, a subject of environmental protection, and even…

Charter Of Economy

Charter of economy

The finance minister has been advocating that all the major political parties should sign a ‘charter of economy’ on the pattern of the charter of democracy concluded some years back…

Implications Of The Deal

Implications of the deal

The recently concluded US-Iran nuclear agreement is likely to change the regional balance of power in the Middle East and bring about a major shift in South Asian geopolitics. In…

Is Anything Going The PML-N Way?

Is anything going the PML-N way?

A visibly-relieved Prime Minister held a meeting with other parliamentary leaders on Wednesday after Tahirul Qadri's supporters finally departed from Constitution Avenue. Once again he did not get a vote…

Vision Or Illusion?

Vision or illusion?

On August 11 the government released its Pakistan 2025 Vision document, which contains high-sounding slogans. In the words of the planning minister, who was the leader of the team that…

Ramshackle Policies And Compromises

Ramshackle policies and compromises

Why is Pakistan under siege? If this siege is to be done away with what is likely to be the outcome for the population. Has the political system any role…

Our Language Tragedy

Our language tragedy

There are 69 languages spoken in Pakistan. In addition to Urdu only one language is recognised in each province as the ‘provincial’ language. The non-recognition of the minority languages causes…