Corrupt body politics – II
The slow progress of mega corruption cases lying with NAB and how corrupt our body politics has become can be gauged from the following sample cases: 1. In its report…
The slow progress of mega corruption cases lying with NAB and how corrupt our body politics has become can be gauged from the following sample cases: 1. In its report…
The Pakistani model: As per reliable reports, an “estimated Rs236 billion was illegally transferred to 37 countries in the past five years”. For the record, only “103 of 1,550 arrested…
The JIT’s findings have dealt a severe blow to the Sharif family. The JIT framed serious charges against the prime minister and his children. Even though the prime minister had…
For all of Iran's fierce verbal response to fresh U.S. threats of tougher sanctions, some senior officials in Tehran believe the door to diplomacy should stay open. On Monday, U.S.…
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is expected to add stricter anti-corruption clauses to its already long list of conditionalities to all its future loan arrangements. The Fund has made promises…
Mexico is still cleaning up the rubble left by its killer earthquake on September 19, but already accusations are flying that shoddy construction, official negligence and corruption made the disaster…
The ruckus has been ongoing for some time. Allegations. Counter allegations. The accused accuse the accusers. More threats of protest. Demands for the prime minister to go home. Political commentators…
Machiavelli’s dictum, ‘Power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely’, has been validated by history and current events. Corrupt entities collapse eventually. Great empires have been destroyed by corruption. Corrupt leaders…
Following the publication of my article, ‘The corruption imperatives’ (Sept 20), on these pages, I received several emails asking me to elaborate on specific steps that have a strong likelihood…
Corruption is now widely discussed and condemned in Pakistan. There seems to be a growing realisation that corruption isn’t just about kickbacks, embezzlement and fraud. Instead, with its complex fiscal,…