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Economic Reforms: Part – XXVII

Economic reforms: Part – XXVII

A key objective of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) was to reduce poverty, as measured by income or through other proxies of welfare. Even though, for the greater part…

Economic Reforms: Part-XXIV

Economic reforms: Part-XXIV

In our series on economic reforms we discussed the outcomes achieved under the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP), 2001. As mentioned earlier, the PRSP was a comprehensive statement of economic…

Economic Reforms: Part – XVI

Economic reforms: part – XVI

Returning to our series on economic reforms, we turn to the subject of taxation that lies at the core of our economic malaise. As in previous articles in the same…

Economic Reforms

Economic reforms

We have argued that circular debt (CD), paid (Rs400 billion but requiring inter-DISCO adjustment) and un-paid (Rs400 billion), is posing a threat to the power sector and fiscal finances. Much…

Fundamental Reforms

Fundamental reforms

The main cause of our pathetic socio-politico-economic conditions is perpetual, unchallenged, un-resisted existence of inefficient and corrupt institutions that are not interested in the welfare of people, rather working to…

The Process Of Electoral Reforms

The process of electoral reforms

The initiative of the PML-N government to forestall the prospects of horse-trading in the Senate elections by changing the mode of voting from secret ballot to ‘show of hands’ and…

Courage For Economic Reforms

Courage for economic reforms

While the parliament dither and they take out petty scores the country is burning. The political parties are full of behaviour that cannot be condoned. Politics is about lifting yourselves…

Innovation nation

In today’s knowledge-driven economy, a nation’s ability to compete in a knowledge-intensive global marketplace hinges on its capacity to access and assimilate external knowledge, particularly technological knowledge, adapt it to…

Making 2024 count economically

A pivotal year which may become a turning point for Pakistan’s economy, 2024 saw significant progress in achieving macroeconomic stabilisation. The country made strides in controlling inflation, reducing interest rates,…