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The Reality And The Rhetoric

The reality and the rhetoric

My previous column on the 20th anniversary of nuclear tests carried out by India and Pakistan drew a mixed response. The emails that I received from readers in India agreed…

A Safe World

A safe world

September 26th is the United Nations’ International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. One year on from the historic adoption of an international treaty which aims to make…

Art Is The Answer

Art is the answer

It was a memorable evening on September 20 at the PNCA Auditorium, Islamabad. The PNCA and the Embassy of Japan had organised an event titled ‘NIHON Unplugged: Music from Japan…

Keeping War At Bay

Keeping war at bay

Twenty years ago on May 28, Pakistan made the difficult decision to overtly go nuclear by detonating five devices as a direct response to India’s nuclear tests, conducted the same…

Democrats Or Technocrats?

Democrats or technocrats?

French military chief General Pierre de Villiers’s decision to resign on July 19 was an expected move. He had crossed his boundaries by having a spat with France’s newly-elected president,…

No War

No war

A national collaborative grassroots coalition to abolish nuclear weapons is rapidly emerging in this country. The effort called “Back from the Brink: A Call to Prevent Nuclear War” started last…

Fiction And Facts

Fiction and facts

About the US atomic destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, popular accounts still stick to the false but “greatest generation” story that, “Without [them], more Japanese would have died…

Lessons From Hiroshima

Lessons from Hiroshima

August marks the 73rd anniversary of the barbaric attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On August 6, the US dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, killing 86,000…

Saving Humanity

Saving humanity

Since the beginning of the nuclear age and the dropping of the first atomic bombs, humankind has struggled with the reality of being able to destroy the planet on the…

Doomsday Panic

Doomsday panic

When Daniel Ellsberg visited Los Angeles in mid-December, promoting his important new book The Doomsday Machine, his central message was that the threat of nuclear holocaust was more looming than…