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Political and social matters

At the moment our country is witnessing a bloodbath, and when the rulers are questioned as to why this is happening and why they don’t do anything to stop it,…

Capital Suggestion

Capital suggestion

In February 2010, our exports amounted to $1.52 billion. For the period July-February 2009-2010, foreign remittances landing on Pakistani shores sent in by Pakistanis working abroad amounted to $5.7 billion.…

The Governance Issue

The governance issue

Governance is the prime issue of our country. Most problems, including separatist movements, the energy crisis, law and order, terrorism, inflation, economic backwardness and corruption, are invariably caused, among others,…

New Measure Of Poverty

New measure of poverty

For long economists have sought to devise yardsticks to quantify economic progress which can be called an intangible phenomenon. At one time, measures such as the GDP growth rate, the…

The Economy

The economy

If one were to evaluate the performance of the PPP-led government on the economic front, one would be amazed at the achievements of the present dispensation which, one believes, no…

No white heat revolutions

Former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson – twice elected – famously observed in 1964 that a week was a long time in politics. True to those words, the twist came…

The Forthcoming Elections

The forthcoming elections

The so-called “democratic” government has been in power for four-and-a-half years and the way they have ruled this country is no secret. There has been corruption, maladministration, unemployment, inflation, sectarian…

The Debt Volcano

The debt volcano

Amongst the many worrying elements in Pakistan’s current economic condition — faltering growth, record-low investment, historic inflation — it is perhaps a tough call to pick the one we should…

Outlook 2007

Outlook 2007

Currency Market Associates (CMKA) has a positive outlook for Pakistan for the calendar year 2007. We are expecting strong GDP growth, which, should stay above 6.5 percent. Inflationary pressure would…